
The examination process at ITM University, Gwalior, involves continuous evaluation throughout the semester, culminating in an end-semester examination. The performance of students is assessed through a combination of internal assessments and the end-semester examination

Internal Assessment

The internal assessment for theory subjects includes:

  • Class Participation (CP): This component is evaluated through Activity Based Continuous Assessment (ABCA). The ABCA may be conducted through various methods such as Project-Based Learning, Problem-Based Learning, Experiential Outdoor Education, Simulations, etc. The class participation carries a weightage of 20% of the total marks.
  • Mid-Term Assessments (MT): These are examinations conducted during the semester and contribute 20% to the internal assessment marks

For practical subjects, the internal assessment comprises:

  • Progressive Evaluation (PE): This involves continuous evaluation of the student's performance in the laboratory or practical sessions and carries a 20% weightage.
  • Internal Viva (IV): An oral examination conducted internally, contributing 20% to the internal assessment marks.
End-Semester Examination (ET)
  • The end-semester examination is an external examination conducted at the end of the semester.
  • It carries a weightage of 60% for both theory and practical subjects.

School Name Maximum Mark’s Minimum Passing Mark’s
CP MT ET Total CP MT ET Total
School of Engg. & Tech. 20 20 60 100 - - 18 40
School of Sciences 20 20 60 100 - - 18 40

School Name Maximum Mark’s Minimum Passing Mark’s
PE IV ET Total PE IV ET Total
School of Engg. & Tech. 20 20 60 100 - - 30 40
School of Sciences 20 20 60 100 - - 30 40

  • The performance of students is evaluated using a letter grade system.
  • The grades and their corresponding grade points are as follows:

Grade Grade Points Equivalent Marks % Remarks
O 10 90-100 Outstanding
A+ 9 80-89 Excellent
A 8 70-79 Very Good
B+ 7 60-69 Good
B 6 50-49 Above Average
C 5 40-49 Average
P 4 35-39 Pass
F 0 0- 34 Fail
AB 0 Absent Absent

Calculation of SGPA and CGPA
  • SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) is calculated using the formula: SGPA = (Σ Ci * Pi) / Σ Ci
    where Ci is the credit for the course and Pi is the grade point obtained for the course.
  • CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is calculated similarly but considers all courses taken from the first semester to the present semester.
Importance of Attendance
  • Minimum Requirement: Students must maintain at least 75% attendance in each course to be eligible for the end-semester examination.
  • Detainment: Students failing to meet the attendance requirement may be detained and not allowed to appear in the end-semester exams.
Exam Grievance and Re-Examination
  • Revaluation/Re-totalling: Students who feel aggrieved by their examination results can apply for revaluation or re-totalling within one week of result declaration.
  • Grade Card Discrepancy: Any errors in the grade card should be reported to the Controller of Examinations within 15 days.

The examination process at ITM University emphasizes continuous evaluation and provides students with multiple opportunities to showcase their learning and skills throughout the semester. The integration of ABCA in class participation ensures that students actively engage in the learning process and develop practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge.

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