ITM University Gwalior recognizes the multifaceted benefits of community service. By engaging in service projects, students not only contribute meaningfully to the local community, but also cultivate valuable skills and experiences that enhance their employability. The university offers a robust portfolio of service opportunities, encompassing both university-organized initiatives and student-led projects. This extensive array allows students to identify areas of personal interest and make impactful contributions. Furthermore, participation in these projects fosters a deeper understanding of global citizenship and the complex challenges faced by contemporary societies.

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Beyond the act of giving back, community service serves as a platform for personal and professional development. Through handson engagement, students develop critical skills highly sought-after by employers. The experience cultivates problem-solving abilities, fosters leadership potential, and strengthens communication and collaboration skills. Ultimately, community service empowers students to become well-rounded individuals equipped to address societal challenges and contribute meaningfully to the world. Such initiatives enable you to gain a greater understanding of what it means to be a responsible global citizen, through programmes providing hands-on experience and community activities. In this process you will discover the challenges faced by the society in the 21st century, and approaches needed to address and resolve them. Here you can also undertake voluntary work, give back to society and develop the skills and experiences that employers seek.

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“You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both those methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self motivation.” - Albert Einstein
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