The University’s signature events are emblematic celebrations of academic excellence, cultural diversity, and community engagement. From the spirited Homecoming festivities, where alumni reconnect with their alma mater and current students revel in campus spirit, to the thought-provoking TEDx talks that showcase innovative ideas from both within and beyond academia, the University’s calendar is adorned with events that foster intellectual curiosity and social interaction. These signature events not only define the University’s identity but also inspire its members to embrace learning, collaboration, and mutual respect both within and beyond the academic realm

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  • Meeting of Minds: This event fosters open discussions and exchange of ideas on social issues, promoting critical thinking and understanding (Human Values).
  • Ibarat: This event celebrates women’s achievements and creates a platform for dialogue on gender equality and empowerment (Gender)
  • Badshah Khan, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya, Dr. Radhakrishnan Memorial Lectures: These prestigious lectures feature renowned speakers who address critical social and ethical issues, inspiring students to become responsible citizens and ethical leaders (Human Values)
  • Classical Music Concert, Dance Festival: These events celebrate the beauty and richness of Indian culture, promoting cultural appreciation and fostering a sense of national identity (Human Values).
  • Megha Malhaar: This annual monsoon celebration raises awareness about environmental conservation and the importance of protecting our natural world (Environment).
  • Pre-Convocation Academic Conclave: This event brings together scholars and academicians to discuss advancements in various fields. It encourages students to engage in lifelong learning and intellectual discourse (Skills and Development)
  • Annual International Conference on Technology Innovation and Management for Sustainable Development (TIMS): This conference explores the intersection of technological advancements, innovative management practices, and their role in achieving sustainable development. It fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills while emphasizing the importance of environmental responsibility (Environment, Skills and Development).
  • Annual International Sculpture Symposium, Art Meet: These events provide a platform for aspiring and established artists to showcase their talents. They encourage creative expression, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the arts (Entrepreneurship, Skills and Development).
  • National Seminar on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences (RACE): This seminar brings together researchers and students working on advancements in chemistry and environmental science. It fosters a spirit of scientific inquiry, collaboration, and promotes solutions for environmental challenges (Environment, Skills and Development)
  • ITM Theatre Festival, Film Festival: These events celebrate the performing arts and cinema. They provide students with a platform to showcase their talents, hone their communication and creative skills, and explore careers in these fields (Skills and Development).

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