
The University boasts a well-equipped Central Library along with three departmental libraries that cater to the needs of staff, students, and scholars. The fully air-conditioned Central Library is automated with Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS), including KOHA and e- Granthalay, to facilitate efficient circulation of resources. Committed to maintaining academic integrity, the library provides Turnitin and Drillbit software to ensure a plagiarism-free environment for scholarly communications.

An institutional repository, LMS – Tattva, provides open access e-resources such as e-books, e- magazines, e-newspapers, and project documents. The library’s Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) enables users to easily access information on library hours, collections, e-journals, online courses, open access journals, and staff details. Additionally, the Central Library provides educational audio and video lectures, CD-ROMs, MOOC NPTEL courses, project reports, and Ph.D. Thesis. In compliance with UGC directives, the University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Shodhganga to upload Ph.D. Thesis to its repository, thus supporting the wider dissemination and accessibility of scholarly research.

Top Bachelors of Administrative College in Gwalior and Madhya Pradesh


Text Books
Top Bachelors of Administrative College in Gwalior and Madhya Pradesh


Top Bachelors of Administrative College in Gwalior and Madhya Pradesh


Top Bachelors of Administrative College in Gwalior and Madhya Pradesh


Top Bachelors of Administrative College in Gwalior and Madhya Pradesh


Project & Dissertation
Top Bachelors of Administrative College in Gwalior and Madhya Pradesh


Top Bachelors of Administrative College in Gwalior and Madhya Pradesh


Top Bachelors of Administrative College in Gwalior and Madhya Pradesh


Ph.D. Thesis
Top Bachelors of Administrative College in Gwalior and Madhya Pradesh


E-Rare books Collections
2. Library Structure
2.1 Salient Features
  • Wi-Fi
  • LAN
  • Centralized AC
  • Spacious seating area
  • 09 Staff Work Stations
  • CCTV surveillance system
  • Automated Entry & Exit
3. Library Rules And Regulations

Students and staff of ITM University are eligible to access and use the library by following library rules and regulations but to checkout library resources one will need to become a library member. Alumni Students and staff will be welcome to use the library. Visitors from different academic institution are also welcomed to use the library with prior permission from the competitive authority.

A. General Rules
  • Every Student must possess his/her University Identity Card while making use of the Library facility and produce the same to the Library Staff on entering the Library
  • Noise, disturbance or unruly behavior is forbidden in any part of the library.
  • Use of Mobile phones in the Library is strictly prohibited.
  • Personal books, files, and articles will not allow inside the Library restricted area.
  • The students are requested to take care of their belongings. Library will not take responsibility for any kind of loss of personal belongings.
  • Loud conversation and similar objectionable practices are not allowed in or around the Library.
  • Reprographic Services (Scanning, Xerox & Printout) will be available in library
  • Each library will put a suggestion box outside the library.
B. Rules Related To Reading Section/ Reference
  • Reading section will provides only reading facilities of books, Journals, Magazines and Newspaper the users within the library.
  • Users should work quietly and be considerate to others using the Reading Room
  • Damaging book (e.g. Tearing, page missing, and loss of binding and wet Book etc.) or theft of library collections is an offence and those responsible will be prosecuted.
  • . Only water bottle is allowed on the reading table.
  • The readers are liable for punishment with fine if they either misbehave or damage the books or any other property of the library.
  • Submit your Identity card is compulsory for getting books from the library stack area for reading.
  • Library books can’t be borrowed on behalf of another person in any circumstances.
  • If any faculty/staff member goes on long vacation, he/she will go only after returning the issued books.
C. Books –borrowing Policy

The below table depicts laws indicate the borrowing of books for students and faculty:

S.N ITM University All Schools Student Staff
UG PG Research Scholars Faculty Non-Teaching
Limit of books Days Limit of books Days Limit of books Days Limit of books Days Limit of books Days
1 Central Library 04 28 04 28 04 28 06 180 02 180
D. Overdue Charges
  • An overdue charge @Rs.5/- per days will be levied after the due date
  • Maximum over-due charges would be twice times the latest edition cost of issued book
  • Library will not provide any exemption on overdue charges during examinations, vacations and holidays etc. Only except in pandemics and Natural Disasters.
E. Circulation Rules
  • Identity cards and library books are Nontransferable
  • Students should deposit the books back to the library if demanded by Library authority.
  • Books with same title will not be issued together.
  • Open access for all faculty and students into library.
  • Reference books, periodicals/journals, compact disk are not issued on home lending.
  • Book should be returned on or before the due date
  • . If books are damaged by users, rendering it unusable, the users will be charged the full replacement price of the item.
  • All borrowed materials should be returned at the circulation desk inside the library
  • When ITM University faculty, staff, or students need materials that are not available in the university library, the user could send a request to the librarian for their demand by emails
  • To ensure the efficient functioning of the library, it is important to keep library materials in their proper places. Users are requested to leave all items they have removed from the shelves on the reading tables and not to replace them on the shelves
  • Borrower should bring the books physically to the library for renewal.
  • The book will be reissued if it is not in demand. Period of extension of books will be allowed one time only.
  • All users before the end term exam has to submit all the library issued books back to the library.
  • Fine will be charged for loss of books for the replacement of the same. Fine charged will be the printed price of the book or replacement of the same book.
  • Beverages, smoking are strictly prohibited in the library premises.
  • All cases of the infringement of above-mentioned rules will be reported to the Librarian.
  • Users/ Readers belonging should be kept on the rack/property counter.
  • Every student must follow the library rules strictly.
F. Visitors
  • Visitor or guest member from other academic or research institute are allowed to use the library with the prior permission from the Librarian. Guest member is required to produce proof of identification
  • Borrowing facility is not available to visitors.
G. Lost/ Damaged Library Documents
  • Loss of Library Cards and books should be reported to the Librarian immediately in writing.
  • For lost or damaged book (e.g. Torn, missing page, loss of binding and wet book etc.), Students and faculty has to pay two times the cost of the book along with overdue and other charges as applicable.
  • If any specific book is lost which is a part of multi volume set by student and faculty in that case cost of complete set of volume of books will be recovered from the person from that time when it is issued.
H. Inter Library Loans

ITM University is a part of the consortium, called DELNET. Where the facility of inter library book loan can be availed by the students & Faculty if the specific book is not in the university library collection. (On demand)

3.1 University Librarian: Role And Responsibility

The University Librarian shall be the head of the Library Management Structure. He shall:

  • Supervise and guide the library staffs.
  • Oversee the functioning of the individual school librarians who shall work under his direct superintendence and control.
  • Interact regularly with Deans and HoDs to identify their teaching and learning resources as required.
  • Disseminate information to student & Faculty regarding availability of online databases, Books and Journals
  • Prepare the budget for the Library as per received form respective department and place for consideration in Library committee and further for account approval.
  • Interact with the publishers for conducting book –exhibitions in the beginning of academic year, as also to plan book acquisition.
  • Conduct orientation programs for the first year students and newly inducted faculty members
  • Monitors the usage of the digital library, footfalls in the library and report to the Deans, heads & IQAC from time to time.
  • Protect copyright and other intellectual property rights of the University publications, patents, and research papers.
3.2 Constitution Of The University Library Committee

The University Librarian shall be the head of the Library Management Structure. He shall:

Details Status
Dean School of Pharmacy Chairman
Dean, Academics Members
Dean, Research Members
Deans of Schools Members
Dean Students Welfare Members
University Librarian Member Secretary
3.3 Roles And Responsibilities Of The University Library Committee

The Library committee shall advise the University and guide the Librarian on following matters.

  • In the management of central Library with special reference to the ‘Services’ rendered to the users
  • Monitoring Library Budget and its control
  • Monitoring the usage of the Digital Library
  • Considering any matter referred to it by the Academic Council
  • Undertaking periodic reviews of the Libraries and make recommendations for improvement.
3.4 Digital Library

The University has set up a Digital Library with multimedia computers with high speed internet connection. Students can access e- resources such as DELNET, NDL, Web of Science, AIR, SCC (Supreme Court Cases) and able to access videos of MOOCs and

NPTEL. Additionally, the library users can check the web OPAC, and check millions of open access resources. They will be able to take the printouts of the articles that they needed from the subscribed online databases are mentioned on the Library webpage. Provision of scan books chapters can also be availed by student on demand only.

3.5 Library Timing

Library timing, enclosed as- Annexure-3

4. Journals & Magazines/ E-journals Purchase Policy
  • The department wise list of print and e-Journals are compiled and forwarded to the respective DEANs & HODs for any new requirements before placing them in the Library committee meeting
  • New required Journals/ Magazine/ e-Journals will be subscribed by calendar year
5. Weeding Out Process
  • In the weeding out process, the Library team identifies old and obsolete titles that are not used during the last 5 years period
  • The Library team then prepares a list of old and obsolete titles not used since last 5 years
  • The list is circulated to concerned schools/Centre for review
  • After review by concerned Schools/Centre the list gets approved By LAC (Library Advisory Committee).
6. Policy Related To Use Of Plagiarism Checking Software

The UGC has underlined the importance of academic integrity in scholarly publications and accordingly, ITM University provides two Plagiarism checking software to its academic community, namely Turnitin and DrillBit. Under this policy the Library Advisory committee provides Login Credentials to the faculty members. Through this members can login to check the plagiarism.

7. Guidelines For Accepting Donated Books
  • The accepting of donations is at the University discretion
  • While welcoming all donations, the University has to ensure that such donations contain course-related books and are of academic, if possible
  • Donors are requested to ensure that they send relevant details of books to the Librarian before bringing physical volumes, if possible

Digital Library

Reading Section

Research Section

Group Interaction Section

Manuscript Section

Sample Manuscript

Stack Section

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