The process of finalizing graduate attributes at ITM University, Gwalior, includes several essential steps. Initially, a committee is formed to involve stakeholders through surveys and benchmarking. The committee drafts initial attributes, which are then reviewed and refined using feedback from stakeholders, workshops, and focus groups. After pilot testing and further adjustments, the final attributes are submitted to the Academic Council for approval. Once approved, these attributes are incorporated into the curriculum through mapping and revisions, along with faculty training and student orientation. Continuous monitoring and assessment ensure the effective development of the attributes, with regular reviews and a feedback loop promoting ongoing improvement. This structured method guarantees comprehensive and dynamic student development that aligns with institutional goals and industry standards. The following attributes form the foundation for all programs offered at ITM University, Gwalior:

Highest number of patents image
Domain Expertise:

In-depth knowledge and understanding of specific academic and professional fields, developed through specialized courses, projects, and laboratory work.

Technical Competency:

Proficiency in the practical application of technical skills and tools relevant to one's field, achieved through hands-on labs, technical assignments, and participation in hackathons and coding competitions.

Transferrable Skills:

Skills that are applicable across various domains and industries, including communication, leadership, and teamwork, developed through group projects, soft skills workshops, and internships.

Interdisciplinary Knowledge:

The ability to integrate and apply knowledge from multiple disciplines, facilitated by interdisciplinary courses, collaborative projects, and participation in cross-functional team activities

Personality and Personal Growth:

Development of self-awareness, confidence, and resilience through self-development courses, psychological counseling, and engagement in personality development workshops and cultural fests.

Communication and Information Management:

Effective oral and written communication skills and the ability to manage and utilize information efficiently, enhanced through communication skills courses, public speaking clubs, and participation in student publications.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:

The capacity to analyze complex problems, think critically, and develop innovative solutions, fostered through analytical courses, case study competitions, and involvement in puzzle clubs and strategy games.

Individual and Team Work:

The ability to work independently and collaboratively, demonstrated through individual assignments, group projects, team-building workshops, and participation in sports teams and club activities.

Professional Ethics and Social Values:

Understanding and adherence to ethical principles and social responsibilities, instilled through ethics courses, social responsibility workshops, and community service activities.

Entrepreneurship Qualities:

The skills and mindset required for innovation and entrepreneurship, nurtured through entrepreneurship courses, startup incubators, business plan competitions, and participation in innovation clubs.

Environment and Sustainability:

Awareness and commitment to environmental sustainability, cultivated through environmental science courses, sustainability projects, green initiatives, and participation in eco clubs.

Gender and Human Values:

Appreciation of gender equality and human rights, promoted through gender studies courses, gender sensitivity workshops, human rights seminars, and diversity clubs.

Indian Knowledge System:

Understanding and appreciation of India’s cultural heritage and traditional knowledge, integrated through courses on Indian heritage, seminars on Indian culture, and participation in cultural festivals and heritage tours.

Lifelong Learning:

A commitment to continuous personal and professional development, supported by continuous assessment, skill enhancement courses, lifelong learning seminars, and access to online courses.

Empowerment through AI:

The ability to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to solve problems and create opportunities, developed through AI courses, machine learning projects, AI seminars, and participation in AI clubs and data science competitions.

The table below illustrates as to how various graduate attributes are developed through curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities at ITM University:

Graduate Attributes Curricular Activities Co-curricular Activities Extra-curricular Activities
Domain Expertise Specialized courses, projects, and labs Workshops, seminars Industry visits, guest lectures
Technical Competency Hands-on labs, technical assignments Hackathons, coding competitions Technical clubs, robotics competitions
Transferrable Skills Group projects, presentations Soft skills workshops, leadership training Volunteering, internships
Interdisciplinary Knowledge Interdisciplinary courses, collaborative projects Inter-departmental seminars, conferences Cross-functional team activities
Personality and Personal Growth Self-development courses, psychological counseling Personality development workshops Debate clubs, cultural fests
Communication and Information Management Communication skills courses, report writing Public speaking clubs, information literacy workshops Participation in college media, student publications
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Analytical courses, problem-based learning Case study competitions, problem-solving workshops Puzzle clubs, strategy games
Individual and Team Work Group projects, individual assignments Team-building workshops, collaborative research Sports teams, club memberships
Professional Ethics and Social Values Ethics courses, case studies on social impact Ethics debates, social responsibility workshops Community service, ethical hacking workshops
Entrepreneurship Qualities Entrepreneurship courses, startup incubators Business plan competitions, entrepreneur talks Startup boot camps, innovation clubs
Environment and Sustainability Environmental science courses, sustainability projects Green initiatives, sustainability workshops Eco clubs, tree planting drives
Gender and Human Values Gender studies courses, inclusive policies Gender sensitivity workshops, human rights seminars Diversity clubs, social campaigns
Indian Knowledge System Courses on Indian heritage, traditional knowledge projects Seminars on Indian culture, heritage workshops Cultural festivals, heritage tours
Lifelong Learning Continuous assessment, skill enhancement courses Lifelong learning seminars, continuing education workshops Alumni talks, online courses
Empowerment through AI AI courses, machine learning projects AI and ML hackathons, AI seminars AI clubs, data science competitions

This table provides a comprehensive overview of how different graduate attributes are developed through various activities at ITM University.

All schools are required that following linkages to the following attributes should be specifically suggested, in form of course elements, when framing a course:

  • - Skill development
  • - Entrepreneurship
  • - Employability
  • - Professional Ethics
  • - Gender and Human Values
  • - Environment and SDGs
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