Creating Informed Citizens

Gandhian School of Democracy and Socialism was established at ITM University Gwalior in April 2022.

1. Objectives/purpose

These courses on Democracy and Socialism intends to promote understanding of the dynamics of society with the quest for freedom, justice, equality, and fraternity. It aims to promote teaching, research, and advocacy to strengthen democratic values, Institutions, and processes with a Gandhian orientation and egalitarian approach. It is an initiative to promote understanding and conversations among concerned persons, including students and youth about the Gandhian way as well as dynamics of Democracy and Socialism.

Apart from classroom teachings, the University also shall regularly organise conferences, Faculty Development Programmes , Cultural Activities and talks which brings together not only scholars and academics but also activists and grassroot workers on themes connected to the courses offered attended by both students and teachers of ITM university.

2. Courses Utility
  1. To provide value-based education to students to help them attain the aspirations articulated in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
  2. To offer quality undergraduate education in both theoretical and applied Gandhian approaches, peace studies, and social regeneration
  3. To impart a comprehensive understanding of the Indian freedom movement, Indian society, and culture.
  4. To orient students so that they are intellectually well-equipped with a sense of modern Indian history and culture
  5. To promote the development of critical thinking, human values, ethics, and leadership skills.
  6. To promote the development of critical thinking, human values, ethics, and leadership skills.
  7. To equip students with knowledge about the processes and challenges of 21stcentury human social systems, thereby enabling them to become responsible and accountable citizens
3. The following is the indicative list of Courses that may be offered at ITM University
  • Gandhi and the Gandhian way
  • Socialism and Dr. Lohia
  • Understanding 21st century Human Society
  • Socialism in India: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
  • Dr. Lohia and Socialism
  • India in 21st century
  • Making of Modern India
  • Samaj and Sahitya
  • Understanding Gandhi
  • Gender and Society
  • Fostering social Responsibility and Community Engagement
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