Guidelines for Student Council at ITM University, Gwalior

The Student Council of ITM University serves as the official representative body for students, acting as a vital link between the student community and the university administration. The Council plays an essential role in enhancing the overall student experience by promoting student interests, advocating for student rights, and fostering leadership and community spirit among students.

A well-functioning Student Council has a significant positive impact on university life by ensuring that students have a voice in decisions that affect them. It promotes responsibility, leadership, and community among students, while also contributing to a more inclusive and responsive university environment.

A. Objectives of the Student Council
1. Representation:
  • Represent the student body in discussions and decision-making processes with the university administration.
  • Ensure that student opinions and concerns are effectively communicated and addressed.
2. Advocacy:
  • Advocate for the rights, welfare, and well-being of students.
  • Work towards creating a conducive and supportive learning environment for all students.
3. Leadership Development:
  • Provide opportunities for students to develop leadership skills by taking on responsibilities and leading initiatives.
4. Community Building:
  • Foster a sense of community within the university by organizing events and activities that bring students together.
5. Enhancement of Student Experience:
  • Address issues related to academics, extracurricular activities, student welfare, and campus facilities.
  • Facilitate transparent communication between students, faculty, and administration.

B. Structure, Roles and Responsibilities of the Student Council

The Student Council at ITM University, Gwalior, is structured to ensure broad representation and effective governance. The Council comprises both elected and nominated members who serve to represent the diverse interests of the student body.

Executive Positions

1. President:

  • Role: Leads the Student Council, represents the student body in official capacities, and oversees all Council activities.
  • Nomination: The President is nominated based on their leadership abilities, past contributions to the university, and academic excellence.

2. Vice President:

  • Role: Assists the President, takes charge in the President's absence, and often oversees specific areas such as student welfare or academics.
  • Nomination: The Vice President is nominated based on similar criteria to the President, including leadership potential and academic standing.

3. Secretary:

  • Role: Handles correspondence, records minutes of meetings, manages Council documentation, and ensures smooth communication within the Council.
  • Nomination: The Secretary is nominated based on organizational skills, attention to detail, and prior involvement in student activities.

4. Treasurer:

  • Role: Manages the Council’s finances, prepares budgets, and ensures transparent financial practices.
  • Nomination: The Treasurer is nominated based on financial acumen, trustworthiness, and experience in managing funds or budgets.
Class Representatives (CRs)

1. Membership:

  • Two Representatives Per Class: Each class across all programs at ITM University will have two Class Representatives (CRs).
  • Gender Representation: One Class Representative will be male, and the other female, ensuring balanced gender representation within the Council.

2. Nomination Criteria:

  • Based on Academic Performance: CRs are nominated based on their academic performance, specifically the percentages secured in the last semester.
  • Continued Representation: Until the results of the current semester are announced, the CRs nominated from the last semester will continue to serve.
Tenure of the Council Members

1. Term Duration:

  • All members, including the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Class Representatives, serve for a tenure of one academic year.
  • New nominations are made at the beginning of each academic year or after the announcement of semester results.
University Officials:
  • Advisory Members: University officials such as the Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Deans, and HoDs, provide guidance.
  • Key Advisor: The Dean of Students’ Welfare serves as the key university advisor to the Student Council. S/he will be responsibly for organizing their meetings and preparing minutes as well as reports.

Key Functions

1. Leadership and Governance:

  • Lead and govern the student body through the Council.
  • Represent students in official university matters and external engagements.

2. Representation:

  • Advocate for student issues by gathering feedback and concerns and presenting them to the administration.
  • Participate in university committees (e.g., academic, disciplinary) to represent student interests.

3. Event Organization and Management:

  • Plan and organize cultural, social, academic, and sports events to enrich student life.
  • Manage student activities, including clubs, societies, and other extracurricular engagements.

4. Communication and Outreach:

  • Maintain effective communication between the student body and the administration through meetings, newsletters, and social media.
  • Raise awareness about important issues such as mental health, diversity, and academic integrity through campaigns and workshops.

5. Student Welfare:

  • Advocate for and help implement services related to counseling, health, and academic support.
  • Serve as a point of contact for students to voice grievances and work towards resolving them.

6. Collaboration with Administration:

  • Provide input on university policies affecting students, such as academic policies, campus safety, and facility management.
  • Work with the administration to develop new initiatives that benefit the student body, such as sustainability projects or new student services.

Student Council Report Format (Every meeting)

The meeting will be held every month on the last Saturday. Following is the format for recording the minutes:

Sno. Issues Raised by the students Resolve Responsibility DL

Meeting of Students’ council will be held every month preferably last Friday of a month.

Student Council Action Taken Report Format (to be presented in every meeting)

The following action taken report will be presented in every meeting concerning the decisions taken in the last meeting:

Sno. Issues Raised by the students Resolve Responsibility DL
Student Council Report Format (Six Monthly)

1. Title Page

  • Name of the Student Council
  • Reporting Period
  • Date of Submission
  • Prepared by (Name and Position)

2. Introduction

  • Overview of the Student Council’s meetings and activities during the reporting period.
  • Summary of key objectives and goals for the period.

3. Representation and Advocacy

  • Details on issues raised by students and the actions taken.
  • Summary of meetings held with the university administration.

4. Events and Activities

  • List and description of events organized by the Council.
  • Participation statistics and feedback from students.

5. Communication and Outreach

  • Overview of communication efforts, including newsletters, social media engagement, and meetings
  • Analysis of student feedback and concerns addressed.

6. Student Welfare Initiatives

  • Summary of support services advocated for and implemented.
  • Reports on counseling, health services, and grievance redressal.

7. Challenges and Solutions

  • Description of challenges faced by the Student Council during the reporting period.
  • Solutions implemented or proposed to address these challenges.

8. Conclusion

  • Summary of achievements and impact of the Student Council’s activities.
  • Vision for the next period.

9. Annexures

  • Supporting documents, including meeting minutes, event flyers, financial statements, etc.

The above guidelines will ensure that the Council operates effectively, transparently, and in the best interest of the student body.

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