Securing a B.Tech (Honours) Degree


ITM University recognizes the importance of fostering well-rounded graduates prepared for the dynamic professional landscape. In line with this vision, the university offers a pathway for students to earn a B.Tech. Honours Degree by pursuing approved extracurricular activities alongside their regular coursework. This policy outlines the eligibility criteria, acceptable activities, credit allocation, and application process.

Acceptable Activities and Credit Allocation

Students can earn a maximum of 20 extra credits towards a B.Tech. Honours Degree by participating in the following approved activities:

Activity Description Credit Allocation
Industrial Training Participation in industry-approved training programs offered by corporates in association with the university's Training and Placement (TAP) Cell. 2-5 credits per program (based on program duration and intensity)
NPTEL Courses Successful completion of online courses offered by the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) platform. 1-3 credits per course (based on course workload and complexity)
MOOCs Courses Completion of online courses offered by established universities through recognized MOOC platforms. (Subject to university approval based on course content and accreditation) 1-3 credits per course (based on course workload and complexity)
Creation of Start-up Venture Successfully launching and maintaining a registered start-up venture for a minimum period of one year. 5-10 credits (based on venture’s impact, innovation, and sustainability)
National Level Hackathon Wins Winning a national-level hackathon recognized by the university. 2-5 credits (based on hackathon prestige and project impact)
Approved National & International Competition Wins Winning a national or international competition approved by the university (e.g., debating, design, research competitions). 1-5 credits (based on competition level, recognition, and student contribution)
Patent Filing Successfully filing a patent for an original invention. 5 credits
Research Publication Publishing a research article in a Scopus-indexed or IEEE-indexed journal or Conference (first or coauthor). 3-5 credits (based on publication type and impact factor of the journal)

More activities may be added upon the approval of the Vice Chancellor, where the credits for these activities may also be added.

The Honours Degree Committee
  • Dean Academics;
  • HoD;
  • One senior professor nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
Application Process

Students interested in pursuing the Honours Degree through extracurricular activities must follow these steps:

  • Prior Approval: Before undertaking any activity, students must obtain prior written approval from the Honours Degree Committee outlining the proposed activity, its expected learning outcomes, and the anticipated number of credits.
  • Documentation and Verification: Upon completion of the activity, students must submit relevant documentation for verification, such as completion certificates, competition results, patent filing receipts, or co-authorship confirmation for research publications.
  • Evaluation and Credit Awarding: The Honours Degree Committee will evaluate the submitted documentation and approve credits based on the established criteria.
Credit Addition and Honours Qualification
  1. Credit Addition in Semester:
    • Students may earn these credits in any semester. Credits earned through approved activities or the reallocation of L+T to P in courses will be added to the student's credit tally within the same semester.
    • This ensures that students can immediately benefit from the credits accrued through their activities or practical-based courses.
  2. Qualification for Honours Degree:
    • Students must earn a minimum of 20 additional credits through approved activities to qualify for a B.Tech. Honours Degree.
    • Once these credits are earned the nomenclature of the degree will change to Honours which will be reflected in the marksheet as well as in the degree.
Important Notes
  • Students are responsible for ensuring the legitimacy and accreditation of chosen activities (e.g., MOOC platforms, competitions).
  • Students cannot double-count activities for course credit and Honours Degree credit.
  • The Honours Degree designation will be clearly indicated on the student's official transcript.
  • The Honours Degree Committee will forward the approved credits for inclusion in the marksheets to the CoE office.
Effective Date

This policy will be effective from the academic year 2024-25. However, the Dean may decide on a case-to-case basis for its applicability to prior years.


This policy provides ITM University students with an exciting opportunity to enrich theiracademic experience, develop valuable professional skills, and earn an Honours Degree by actively engaging in beyond classroom learning or application of their learning. The university encourages students to explore this pathway and work closely with their academic advisors and the Honours Degree Committee for guidance and support.

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